This document gathers collective learning from the Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Practice Area in USAID's Bureau of Policy, Planning and Learning to produce important tips…
USAID’s commitment to advancing localization means maximizing more leadership, ownership, and implementation by local actors. This includes not only increasing the number of direct…
People always say it best when they are describing the change in their own lives.
“…now the community believes that women’s opinions matter…”
“…my living condition has totally…
Strengthening the capacity of local partners to achieve their goals is at the heart of Pact’s approach to development. Using proven tools, we analyze organizations’ strengths and…
CARE has made some big commitments to localization, decolonization, and anti-racism. We’ve signed the Pledge for Change to drive more decision making and resources to the places…
Practical, InnoVative, On-the-Job Technical Support (PIVOT) is a demand-driven, holistic, and immersive learning-by-doing approach to mobilizing Agency-wide strategies and priority…