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Data visualization check-list

USAID Learns

The data visualization checklist, created by USAID Learns, serves as a resource in its training series for USAID/Vietnam Implementing Partners (IPs). The training series called “Tell your data's story: Introduction to data visualization” aims to help IPs understand and able to apply the principles of good visualization grounded in cognitive science. After the training, IPs are to enhance their skills in creating effective data viz that can captivate audience attention while conveying the story behind the data. 

The checklist highlights the main points of the training. It was used by participants during their data visualization practice. It guides users through the step-by-step process from exploring the data to creating the visual that can communicate messages aka stories with consideration for the audience and the intended purpose. It also includes design tips, easy-to-use tools and resources. As this is a product made for USAID funded projects, it is in alignment with USAID branding and marking policy. 

The checklist is a handy guide for anyone who wants to sharpen their data visualization skills and tell more compelling stories with data. 

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