Embedding Collaboration and Adaptation into Third-Party Monitoring
Recently, Lebanon has faced a complex mix of social, political, and economic crises affecting all sectors across the country. USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) program has been providing critical support through several activities. USAID Lebanon commissioned USAID's Monitoring and Evaluation Program for Lebanon (MEPL) to implement third-party monitoring (TPM) of three of BHA's activities to supplement existing monitoring systems, gather data directly from activity participants, and gain critical information about these activities in hard-to-reach areas. TPM was implemented by EnCompass, LLC, in collaboration with two sub-contractors, Management Systems International and Proximity International.
From the onset, the TPM team created an open and collaborative environment among internal and external stakeholders, which facilitated continuous learning and adaptation. The TPM team maintained regular and close communication with all stakeholders, which allowed for collaboration on the design, piloting, and implementation of the TPM activity. Meetings and periodic checkpoints were also utilized to share challenges within the TPM process or methodology and encourage necessary adaptations. The local data collection organization, in particular, was given the space to communicate challenges and observations from the field which could be addressed or adapted to improve the TPM activity and resulting data and reports. This level of engagement and leadership is not typically expected or allowed to the local organizations in other TPM activities. As a result of this open, collaborative, and adaptive process, stakeholders have reported an increase in program knowledge, applauded the relevance of the TPM coverage, and facilitated further learning sessions with other TPM teams.
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