Equipping Youth with Skills and Employment through Public Private Partnerships
Event Details
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Event Description
Join the Business, Entrepreneurship, and Private Sector Engagement Community of Practice (BEPSE CoP) for our first webinar of our 2023 theme: private sector engagement from a youth perspective.
The Global Opportunity Youth Network (GOYN), a multi-stakeholder initiative committed to creating place-based systems shifts for youth economic opportunity, will talk about their Public Private Youth Partnership (PPYP) in Mombasa, Kenya. Through PPYP, GOYN equips youth with in-demand technical and business skills, enabling them to build sustainable livelihoods through wage employment. The webinar will feature:
- Moderator: Phillippa Mary | Head of Partnerships and Employer Engagement | Global Opportunity Youth Network (GOYN-Mombasa)
- Siprosa Rabach | Head of Safal MRM Foundation | Safal MRM Foundation
- Denis Nyagilo | Principal | Mabati Technical Training Institute
- Joan Kago | Senior Training Officer | Base Titanium
Presented by USAID's YouthPower 2: Learning and Evaluation Activity, the Business, Entrepreneurship, and Private Sector Engagement Community of Practice (BEPSE CoP) serves youth, practitioners in youth-serving organizations, and policymakers.
This event will include English closed captioning (cc).
Photo credit: Pexels
About the Community of Practice
The YP2LE Learning Network brings together diverse stakeholders who seek to learn more and share about youth development. As one of six communities of practice, the Business, Entrepreneurship, and Private Sector Engagement (BEPSE) Community of Practice (CoP), provides its community members with features and benefits for mutual sharing and collective learning. Learn more about the BEPSE and other CoPs on YouthPower.org and register to connect with these communities.
You must be a registered member of YouthPower.org in order to participate in the discussion group. Register today!
About YouthPower 2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE)
YP2LE is a USAID-funded activity focused on building and disseminating evidence on Positive Youth Development (PYD). YP2LE’s goal is to give program implementers, researchers, and young changemakers the information, tools, and resources they need to develop high-quality, impactful, and sustainable youth programs.