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Evidence to Action Briefs


Evidence to Action Briefs were developed by USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning (PPL), Office of Learning Evaluation and Research (LER), in collaboration with the USAID Operating Units (OUs) that commissioned the evaluations. These briefs provide OUs an opportunity to showcase how evidence from evaluations are transformed into action.

In April 2022, the Biden-Harris Administration launched the Year of Evidence for Action, with one of its objectives to share leading practices from Federal Agencies to generate and use evidence. The Evidence to Action Briefs contribute to this goal, while demonstrating the central role evaluations continue to play as a source of evidence in USAID’s programmatic and policy decisions.

This resource highlights five recently completed impact evaluations in Bangladesh, Ghana, Eastern and Southern Caribbean, Malawi, and Nepal. These evaluations demonstrate the sectoral diversity of USAID programming and context in which the Agency operates.

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