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Incorporating Local Voices in Country Development Cooperation Strategy


USAID/Philippines conducted a nationwide listening tour engaging hundreds of local people – citizens, community leaders, local officials, and private sector – to hear directly from them about their challenges and their priorities. This case study summary describes the approach to incorporate these voices into deliberations on the new Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) and key reflections.

The MECap* case study series shares the experience of how MECap Fellows collaborate with USAID staff to foster the four Program Cycle principles. This case study concerns the Local Works principle, Promote Sustainability through Local Ownership, and is intended to spark discussion about incorporating local voices in strategic planning and implementation. The experience shared is that of a Fellow placed in the Local Led Development Initiatives (formerly Office of Local Sustainability in the Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment), who facilitated a retreat for USAID/Philippines, and does not represent the views of the Bureau or Mission.

*Expanding Monitoring and Evaluation Capacities (MECap) was an institutional support contract managed by the Bureau for PPL/LER from 2015 - 2020. MECap collaborated with Missions and Washington Operating Units to deliver specialized technical assistance to improve Program Cycle strategic planning, design, monitoring, evaluation, and learning practices.

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