The knowledge of USAID staff and partners is one of our most valuable resources, and using that knowledge well is critical to the effectiveness of our development efforts. This requires the processes, systems, staff skills and infrastructure to help us ensure that the knowledge we have throughout the Agency and among our partners informs the decisions we make as individuals and teams.
While the Agency KMOL function is mutually reinforcing with Collaborating, Learning and
Adapting (CLA), it extends beyond the Program Cycle to include organizational processes as well as programmatic ones. Agency KMOL sets policy and strengthens capacity to achieve four main aims:
- Establishing standard knowledge handover processes and tools so that staff rotation within USAID doesn’t slow program implementation
- Improving evidence use by strengthening knowledge cycle processes (creating, organizing, sharing and using evidence and learning), including broadening USAID’s understanding and use of knowledge sources and evidence types, particularly those valued by local communities
- Using USAID’s knowledge intentionally to inform and influence development efforts beyond those that the Agency funds directly, so that our impact extends beyond our funding
Catalyzing local knowledge and learning systems in the countries in which USAID works to advance locally led, sustained development.
By stewarding the knowledge of USAID staff and partners effectively, Agency KMOL strengthens development impact at USAID and beyond.
Knowledge Retention and Transfer Model
The Knowledge Retention and Transfer (KRT) Model aims to institutionalize effective knowledge retention processes throughout the cycle of staff transition and effective knowledge handover from outgoing to incoming staff, which in turn improves productivity, reduces stress and frustration, and provides incoming staff and new hires the tools and information they need to start contributing to organizational goals and objectives right away.