Building and using data and evidence are central to improving USAID’s work and operationalizing the Journey to Self-Reliance. Learning agendas are a tool that can help us realize data-driven decision-making in our operations and programming, by identifying and addressing critical knowledge gaps. The following list of learning agendas from USAID Washington Operating Units was compiled in February 2020.
Agency-wide or Multi-Bureau |
Financing Self-Reliance Learning & Analytic Agenda |
Gender-Based Violence Learning Agenda |
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy Monitoring and Learning Plan |
Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and |
Democracy, Rights & Governance Learning Agenda |
Labor Learning Agenda |
Office of Transition Initiatives Learning Agenda |
Bureau for Economic Growth, Education |
Research and Learning Agenda on Locally-Led Development |
Water and Development Research Agenda |
Biodiversity Cross-Mission Learning Program |
Education in Crisis and Conflict Learning Agenda |
Bureau for Food Security |
Bureau for Global Health |
Health Systems Strengthening Learning Agenda |
Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean |
Latin America and the Carribean Bureau Learning Agenda |
Bureau for Management |
Bureau for Management Analytic Agenda |
Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning |
R&D Hub for Monitoring and Evaluation |
Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives |
Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives Learning Agenda |
U.S. Global Development Lab |