Leaders in Learning Series Finale: the Future of Organizational Learning in International Development
In the Leaders in Learning series, we sought to address a number of key learning questions related to the value of systematic, intentional and resourced organizational learning and knowledge management to improved development outcomes.
Here's what we covered:
- Episode 1: Introducing Leaders in Learning
- Episode 2: Why does learning matter in international development?
- Episode 3: What is the role of evidence and data in organizational learning?
- Episode 4: What is the relationship between organizational culture and learning?
- Episode 5: What is the role of leaders in creating a learning organization?
- Episode 6: How do organizations integrate learning into their daily work?
In this episode, the series finale, we hear from some of our thought leader contributors about the keys to the future of organizational learning in development. Today’s contributors are:
- Gwen Hines, until recently the Director for International Relations, DFID
- Kerry Albright, Chief of Research Facilitation & KM, UNICEF
- Thom Sinclair, of CGAP, funded by the MasterCard Foundation and housed at the World Bank
- Tony Pryor, Senior Advisor, USAID/PPL
Listen as we discuss promising practices in the areas of collaborating, learning and adapting.
We hope you enjoy this final episode of the series, and that you’ve found the series interesting and informative. As always, we welcome your thoughts, questions, and feedback.
You can stream new episodes here on USAID Learning Lab or search for “USAID Learning Lab” wherever you listen to podcasts.