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Are we asking the most important questions and finding answers that are relevant to decision making? Learning systematically  includes: (1) asking specific, answerable questions that address critical knowledge gaps; (2) completing activities to answer those questions (e.g. performance monitoring, evaluations, tacit knowledge capture, etc.); and (3) sharing findings with colleagues and stakeholders in order to improve decision making and program implementation.

Guidance and Tools

For related ADS Discussion Notes and How Tos, go here.



What is the Role of Evidence and Data in Organizational Learning Efforts? — This episode of the Leaders in Learning podcast reviews the role of evidence and data in organizational learning efforts. Tune in to this discussion between development professionals as they identify emerging themes.

What is the Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Learning? — Continue listening with this episode from the Leaders in Learning podcast as a roundtable of experts discuss their perspectives on the aspects of an organization's culture that can contribute to its learning capacity.