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Do staff incorporate CLA into their scope and workload, with sufficient support from leadership, champions, and support mechanisms? Do we support CLA in implementing mechanisms by including it in mechanism designs, scopes, and budgets? Integrating CLA into how we design and implement programming in an intentional and systematic way requires adequate resources. Working in close cooperation to set expectations and identify critical resources (time, funding and skill sets) at the outset, we can set ourselves up for success in achieving our objectives.

Guidance and Tools

For related ADS Discussion Notes and How Tos, go here.



Why Does Learning Matter in International Development? — This episode of the Leaders in Learning podcast reflects on a roundtable discussion between development professionals and the topic of why learning matters in international development. The discussion frames learning as a tool for addressing complexity, improving the way teams and organizations work, and achieving better development results. 

Going Beyond Technical Skills: How to Build an Adaptive Team — This episode of From the Inside Out examines the considerations needed when building collaborative, learning-focused teams. Hear from three development professionals on their insights on what kinds of skills and qualities to look for during hiring when development isn’t a linear process, and success depends on much more than a set of technical skills.