Scenario planning is an intentional activity conducted by a team or organization to help prepare for and respond to changes in the operating environment that could affect your…
mentation the USAID/BHA-funded Multisectoral Assitance project was scheduled to begin in September 2022, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation was delayed and the…
REAL was itself a response to a CLA problem, specifically the lack of concrete and context-specific evidence to validate and inform refinement of resilience concepts and definitions…
IDEAL (Implementer-Led Design, Evidence, Analysis and Learning) is a 5-year activity funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), that works to improve the quality…
Young first-time mothers (FTMs; ages 15-24) are most vulnerable to closely-spaced pregnancies and adverse outcomes for themselves and their newborns. The transition to parenthood…
Save the Children Peru began implementing the Multipurpose Cash Assistance 'Plus' activity in June 2019 across five coastal regions, funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian…
Sustainable Action for Resilience and Food Security (Sabal) is a five-year program in Nepal funded by USAID Food for Peace (FFP) in October 2014 and implemented by Save the Children…