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458 Results
Creating an Adaptive, Action-Oriented Team
This one-pager was created by Rebecca Herrington on behalf of the Developmental Evaluation Pilot Activity. You can find more information on developmental evaluation here.
How CARE Used CLA to Address Changing Gender Norms
Behavior change is hard, especially when you're embedded in the kind of behavior you're trying to change. Read or listen to this case summary to learn how CARE used a CLA approach…
How USAID/Senegal Leveraged The Annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey For Reflection And Change
Without good facilitation, organizational culture can be a thorny topic. In this collaborating, learning and adapting case study, USAID/Senegal describes how they used their Federal…
Using CLA To Engage Men To Improve Women's And Children’s Health
Creating behavior change is often an incremental process. So how do you know when to try a new approach? This winning CLA Case Competition submission from The Manoff Group describes…
How Learning and Adapting Enabled Civil Society Innovations in Cambodia
Learn how DAI used a CLA approach to bring Cambodian civil society organizations (CSOs) and the technology community together to expand market opportunities for tech service…
Using Feedback Loops to Drive Success
The success of the Nigeria Education Crisis Response (ECR) activity has largely been determined by its ability to adapt to changing contextual factors and develop meaningful…
Grantcraft Guide to Community Philanthropy for Donors
This paper is for donors looking for ways to ensure that our interventions produce lasting results that are owned and directed by the people they are meant to benefit. It offers…
Learning & Adapting to Combat HIV/AIDS in Uganda
This blog post has been cross-posted from Social Impact's blog. Maribel Diaz is a Technical Director with Social Impact.The sciences are well known regarding guidelines and…
Going Beyond Technical Skills: How to Build an Adaptive Team
If change starts with people, then what should we consider when building collaborative, learning-focused teams? When development isn’t a linear process and success depends on much…
Introducing: From the Inside Out
USAID Learning Lab is back with a new podcast series called From the Inside Out: Achieving Better Development Outcomes through Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting. From the Inside…