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850 Results
Learning & Adapting to Combat HIV/AIDS in Uganda
This blog post has been cross-posted from Social Impact's blog. Maribel Diaz is a Technical Director with Social Impact.The sciences are well known regarding guidelines and…
Introducing: From the Inside Out
USAID Learning Lab is back with a new podcast series called From the Inside Out: Achieving Better Development Outcomes through Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting. From the Inside…
Facilitative Leadership - Using Facilitation to Enable Strategic Collaboration
The Africa Lead program, Feed the Future’s primary capacity building program in sub-Saharan Africa, has found how to use facilitation strategically - what they call facilitative…
Staying Curious, Together: How to Create a Learning Culture
In this episode, we’ll discuss the key ingredients in a learning culture. First, we define what we mean by a learning culture. Next, we look at research that examines the…
Staying in the Loop: How to Learn from your Data (Inside Out Episode 4)
Episode 4 of From the Inside Out: Achieving Better Development Outcomes through Collaborating, Learning and Adapting was released today! Stream it above or subscribe to the USAID…
Staying in the Loop: How to Learn from your Data
Evidence-based decision-making is a powerful tool for transforming USAID from the Inside Out. In this episode, we’ll talk about where we see this happening in other industries, and…
What is the Role of Evidence and Data in Organizational Learning Efforts?
The focus of Leaders in Learning episode 3 is on one of the most challenging questions that we as leaders in organizational learning face on a regular basis, namely, what is the…
CLA in Activity Design and Implementation Tool Compilation
The following are three complementary and mutually reinforcing entry points to incorporating CLA practices and approaches into activity design and implementation. It is important to…
Applying Evidence: What Works? A Rapid Literature Review
This review provides a summary of existing literature on using evidence to inform ways the US Global Development Lab (the Lab) and Agency as a whole could improve its evidence-based…
What is the Role of Evidence and Data in Organizational Learning Efforts?
Stacey and Piers discuss the question, "what is the role of evidence and data in organizational learning efforts?" The three themes that emerged are: While everyone seems to agree…