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562 Results
Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) in Crisis Response and Recovery
Resilience, as defined by USAID, is “the ability of people, households, communities, countries and systems to mitigate, adapt to, and recover from shocks and stresses in a manner…
Congratulations to the Winners of the 2017 CLA Case Competition!
**Click here to access a recording of the announcement webinar on Tuesday, September 12th.**We were excited to receive exactly 100 submissions in the third-annual Collaborating,…
Measuring and Monitoring Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Collaboration: Guidance and Considerations
Collaboration is integral to improving nutrition outcomes. USAID Advancing Nutrition developed guidance for USAID missions and implementing partners on how to monitor and assess…
Who Matters to You?: Mapping Your Stakeholders
This improved tool will help you visualize relationships with key stakeholders.Collaborating—one of the three pillars of the USAID collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA)…
We Need to Ask the Difficult Questions About Collaboration and Collective Impact
MERL Tech Collective Impact Visual Notes from USAIDLearningLabNo single organization can solve the challenges that the international development sector addresses. Collectively, we…
Example of Collaboration Mapping
This sample collaboration map explains what each part of the map represents. Collaboration maps such as this can help a mission identify opportunities and weaknesses to collaborate…
Meeting Strategically: How to Collaborate, But Not Too Much (Inside Out Episode 3)
Episode 3 of From the Inside Out: Achieving Better Development Outcomes through Collaborating, Learning and Adapting was released today! Stream it above or subscribe to the USAID…
How to Capture Value from Collaboration, Especially If You’re Skeptical About It
This article has been cross-posted from Harvard Business Review.Many of us recognize intellectually that we need others’ knowledge to solve big problems, yet we still lack the…
Collaboration Mapping
Effective collaboration is a critical aspect of USAID’s work. It ensures that the Agency establishes and leverages relationships with key stakeholders, including other U.S…
Stop, Collaborate and Listen
We get a lot of requests for examples of what collaborating, learning and adapting looks like in practice. So in this episode, we’re zeroing in on the C in CLA, collaboration, with…