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257 Results
USAID CLA Maturity Tool Introduction
This 3.5 minute video is an engaging introduction to the Maturity Tool and how it can be used for CLA self-assessment and action planning.
People with Possibility: Achieving Adaptive Management
At Mercy Corps, our experience and work on adaptive management has shown time and again that managers are key to creating a team culture where individuals are encouraged to…
Rapid Management Reviews: Unstick CLA to Release Human and Organizational Potential
Collaboration is great when it works. But, well, life can be awful when things are not going well between USAID and a critical implementing partner. It happens more often than we…
Using CLA to Promote Transparency with Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination
The USAID El Salvador Government Integrity Project (GIP), promotes the application of the Institutional Integrity Model (IIM) to create organizational cultures based on workers’…
"We Will and Must Continue Working Together!"
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) and Save the Children (SC) Growth Through Nutrition (GtN) have forged a collaborative agreement to jointly…
Working Outside of the Box: Adapting a Health Program to Become Market-Aware
Global Communities' Kenya DREAMS project was an unlikely candidate to attend the 2018 SEEP-supported workshop on Minimum Standards for Economic Recovery (MERS). Firstly, DREAMS is…
Opinion: 3 Ways You Can Get the Candidates You Really Need
This opinion piece was originally published on on January 2, 2020. It was cross-posted with permission. With a greater focus on interdisciplinary programming and…
What is the Work?
In promoting international development, what is the actual work we do? How is that work understood? Do our words truly reflect the work we want to see? Could a shift in this…
CLA 2.0: Evolving CLA to Promote Partnership and Reading in Uganda
For the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program (SHRP) – implemented by RTI, adapting to improve results was at the heart of early grade reading efforts since the program…
Developmental Evaluation for the Sharekna Program in Tunisia
From October 2016 to March 2019, FHI 360 implemented the USAID-funded Sharekna Project to Support Youth and Empower Local Communities (Sharekna) in four target communities in…