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850 Results
Announcement of CLA Learning Network Launch
USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL), together with the Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment’s localworks program, is pleased to announce the…
Applying Lessons Learned to Empower Women Agro-Retailers in Bangladesh
The goals of the USAID Agro-Inputs Project in Bangladesh are to raise awareness of high-quality agro-inputs, including seeds, crop protection products, and fertilizers, and to…
Collaborative Learning and Adapting for Better Social Dialogue on Gender in Jordan
The USAID Takamol Gender Program, a three-year activity implemented by IREX, seeks to “move the needle” toward more equitable gender policies, practices, and attitudes in Jordan…
Promoting CLA among the USAID/Pakistan Implementing Partners (IPs) – IPs M&E Community of Practice
USAID/Pakistan has the agency’s second-largest program portfolio, with more than 80 complex mechanisms whose combined value is almost $2 billion. We have discovered that…
STOP, in the Name of Learning: Reflecting and Adapting Ethiopia’s Approach to Attaining Feed the Future and Economic Growth Objectives
At USAID/Ethiopia, we found that although we were on track to meet some of our output-level indicators, it was unlikely that the mission would meet the high-level outcome indicators…
Gender and Development Dialogues: A CLA Approach for Gender Integration Among USAID Implementing Partners in Cambodia
USAID/Cambodia works with its partners to protect natural resources, improve health and nutrition, promote democracy and good governance, and help children improve their reading…
The Refine and Implement Pilot: USAID Food for Peace’s Approach to Adaptable Mechanisms
USAID/Food for Peace’s pilot approach, Refine and Implement, builds a one-year refinement period into each activity. At the end of the year, we ask implementing partners to refine…
How CARE Used CLA to Address Changing Gender Norms
Behavior change is hard, especially when you're embedded in the kind of behavior you're trying to change. Read or listen to this case summary to learn how CARE used a CLA approach…
How Learning and Adapting Enabled Civil Society Innovations in Cambodia
Learn how DAI used a CLA approach to bring Cambodian civil society organizations (CSOs) and the technology community together to expand market opportunities for tech service…
DRG Learning Agenda Literature Review: Combatting Corruption Among Civil Servants - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on What Works
In 2016, USAID’s Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance launched its Learning Agenda—a set of research questions designed to address the issues that…