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273 Results
Walking the Talk: Standards for Technical Excellence to Improve HIV Services in Nigeria
The Care and Treatment for Sustained Support (CaTSS) Project, funded by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through USAID and implemented by Management Sciences…
"We Will and Must Continue Working Together!"
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) and Save the Children (SC) Growth Through Nutrition (GtN) have forged a collaborative agreement to jointly…
Where’s the Meat - Ask Women, Youth, and Your Staff for the Answer
The USAID/Bangladesh “Feed the Future Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition (LPIN) Activity” utilized Collaborating – Learning – and Adapting (CLA) from start to finish. The…
Tips on Collective Sensemaking
These tips are part of a series of tips and resources to support context-driven adaptation in programming. For other resources, see the Context-Driven Adaptation Collection at https…
Opinion: 3 Ways You Can Get the Candidates You Really Need
This opinion piece was originally published on on January 2, 2020. It was cross-posted with permission. With a greater focus on interdisciplinary programming and…
Responding Faster, Better, Stronger: CLA in the Zika Response
Zika was declared a public health emergency of international concern by The World Health Organization (WHO) on February 1, 2016. USAID began their support to Zika in Latin America…
Learning (in the) Lab: A Utilization-focused Learning Agenda Playbook [External Version]
Compiled in partnership between the U.S. Global Development Lab’s Office of Evaluation and Impact Assessment (Lab/EIA) and the USAID LEARN contract, Learning (in the) Lab: A…
The Basics of Twitter
A presentation by Rebecca Shore of Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs and the Knowledge for Health Project, which was…
Tools for Knowledge and Learning: A Guide for Development and Humanitarian Organizations
Knowledge and learning is key to ODI's Research and Policy in Development (RAPID) approach. This toolkit aims to present entry points and references to the wide range of tools and…
Sample Disclosure of Conflict of Interest Form
Form for Disclosure of Real or Potential Conflict of Interest for USAID Evaluations