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458 Results
Pivot Log Template
A pivot log is an adaptive management tool to track significant changes (or pivots) that are made in an activity or a project, documenting the date and the reasoning behind the…
Stopping to Think: Why it Pays to Pause and Reflect
Taking the time to Pause and Reflect is an essential CLA practice that leads to evidence-based decision making and adaptation. First, we’ll explore evidence that group reflection…
CLA in Activity Design and Implementation Tool Compilation
The following are three complementary and mutually reinforcing entry points to incorporating CLA practices and approaches into activity design and implementation. It is important to…
Applying Evidence: What Works? A Rapid Literature Review
This review provides a summary of existing literature on using evidence to inform ways the US Global Development Lab (the Lab) and Agency as a whole could improve its evidence-based…
ENABLE Program Discussion Paper
Is a genuinely sustainable, locally-led, politically-smart approach to economic governance and Business Environment Reform possible? Lessons from 10 years implementing ENABLE in…
Program Driven Iterative Adaptation
In this video, Lant Pritchett, provides an overview of PDIA core principles: problem-solving; authorizing positive deviation; iterating and adapting; and scaling practices through…
Vulnerability to Resilience: A Training Module
We tend to think about poor people in a one-dimensional way (poor people are poor because they don’t have money), which results in program interventions that address only the…
Failing Fast and Small: Lean Testing to get to Better Learning Outcomes
Morgan Benson is a senior program associate at Results for Development, focusing on R4D's evaluation and adaptive learning approach.Lean testing is a method of rapidly experimenting…
Adaptive Management at the Strategy Level: Portfolio Reviews and Mid Course Stocktaking
On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. EST, the Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL) held a one-hour webinar exploring Strategy-level Portfolio Reviews and Mid…
USAID CDCS Mid Course Stocktaking: What We've Learned So Far & How To Get Started
CDCS mid-course stocktaking has emerged as one approach to assessing ongoing strategy and program implementation, particularly in light of contextual changes and emerging lessons…