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458 Results
2017 Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Case Competition Case Study Form
Use this form to enter the 2017 CLA Case Competition. Click here for more information about the Case Competition.
Transcript for Podcast Episode 1: How USAID is Hacking International Development from the Inside Out
This is the transcript for Episode 1 of the USAID Learning Lab podcast: How USAID is Hacking International Development from the Inside Out Find the audio here: https:/…
Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops
This piece was originally posted on the White House blog on January 3, 2017.Thomas Kalil is the Deputy Director for Technology and Innovation for the White House Office of Science…
Before Action Review
A Before Action Review (BAR) is a method for a team starting a project, activity, or event to assess what knowledge they already have. A BAR helps a team state their intentions…
Fail Forward Resources
Fail Forward helps individuals and organizations stand out and stay relevant in the face of rapid change and to bypass shame and defensiveness to find a productive way of working…
How Can Organizations Encourage Adaptive Management? Three Insights from Mercy Corps’ Evolution Toward Agility
Regular readers of the USAID Learning Lab blog may agree that in these complex times our effectiveness relies on learning about, and adapting to, the unique dynamics in the contexts…
The 5Rs Framework in the Program Cycle
A key principle of USAID’s Program Cycle is to “Promote Sustainability through Local Ownership.” The purpose of this Technical Note is to describe the “5Rs Framework”, a practical…
Drafting a Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) Plan and CLA Plan Template
This content is currently under revision to align with the recently updated ADS 201.
For guidance and support associated with revisions to ADS 201, please see the Program Cycle…
A Management Compact for Advancing Adaptive Management
The Sprint Relay is a methodology that makes adaptive implementation practical. As part of a Sprint Relay, several agencies collaborate over a 100-day period (a Sprint) to produce a…
What’s New? High-Frequency Mobile Communication Drives Resilience Learning in Somalia
The Somalia Towards Reaching Resilience (STORRE) activity uses CARE’s Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation, Reflection, and Learning (PMERL) process to help communities evaluate…