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Staying in the Loop: How to Learn from your Data (Inside Out Episode 4)

May 22, 2018
Amy Leo

Episode 4 of From the Inside Out: Achieving Better Development Outcomes through Collaborating, Learning and Adapting was released today! Stream it above or subscribe to the USAID Learning Lab podcast wherever you listen to podcasts to be notified when new episodes are available.

Evidence-based decision-making is a powerful tool for transforming USAID from the Inside Out. In this episode, we’ll talk about where we see this happening in other industries, and why it can be challenging at USAID. We will also discuss two examples of innovative learning initiatives at USAID missions.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

We’re releasing a new episode each Tuesday in May, so subscribe to the USAID Learning Lab podcast wherever you listen to podcasts (iTunesStitcherPocketCasts) to find out when new episodes are available. You can also find them posted as blogs here on USAID Learning Lab.

The information in this series comes from our effort to build the evidence base for collaborating, learning and adapting. If you’re interested in learning more about this area of work, visit