Community Contribution
USAID/Paraguay Programming: A Case Study in Locally Led Development
This case study describes how, through a process of ongoing learning, the USAID/Paraguay team has supported locally led programming by developing partnerships within a culture of trust and collaboration. The Mission has streamlined its solicitation process to lower barriers for new and non-traditional partners to apply and has endeavored to ensure the success of the resulting programming by streamlining communication and fostering collaboration. Highlights from this case study include:
- The use of flexible, demand-driven award mechanisms that are descriptive of desired
outcomes, and not prescriptive of the interventions and management, like Annual Program Statements (APS)—a type of notice of funding opportunity (NOFO)—encourages smaller and non-traditional local organizations to apply and facilitates locally-designed and driven programs. Missions can also further reduce barriers to entry preventing such partners from applying by implementing changes like requesting concept notes that are no longer than two pages and accepting submissions in local languages. - When coupled with co-creation, descriptive award mechanisms help align expectations and allow local partners to focus on the achievement of program and organizational goals they see as priorities.
- Fostering a community of learning inside and outside of USAID unites partners to achieve common development goals.
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