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How-To Note: Developing a Project Logic Model (and its Associated Theory of Change)


This content is currently under revision to align with the recently updated ADS 201.

For guidance and support associated with revisions to ADS 201, please see the Program Cycle overview page


This How-To Note describes considerations for developing a project logic model, as well as steps for thinking through a more complete theory of change (TOC). A logic model is a graphic or visual depiction that summarizes key elements of a TOC, and it is often used as a facilitation tool during the design process. There are many types of logic models, including but not limited to logical frameworks (logframes), results chains, results frameworks, and local actor-oriented models, among others. The project logic model and its associated TOC are included in the Project Appraisal Document (PAD) that approves a project design (see ADS

While this How-To Note focuses on logic models at the project level, logic models are also used at the strategy level (specifically, results frameworks – see Box 1), and often at the activity level. The concepts and steps presented here are generally applicable to the process of developing logic models and TOCs throughout the Program Cycle.

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