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257 Results
Learning to Learn in Liberia: A CLA Approach to Effective Advocacy
The USAID Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative (LAVI) is five-year project implemented by DAI with the goal of strengthening multi-stakeholder partnerships to advocate for…
Providing Academic Support and Building Life Skills of Children From Poor Families
Describe The Approaches Utilized To Measure / Assess This KM Initiative: The NGO has included several activities for building life skills and inculcating values in children. However…
How USAID/Senegal Leveraged The Annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey For Reflection And Change
Without good facilitation, organizational culture can be a thorny topic. In this collaborating, learning and adapting case study, USAID/Senegal describes how they used their Federal…
Using CLA To Engage Men To Improve Women's And Children’s Health
Creating behavior change is often an incremental process. So how do you know when to try a new approach? This winning CLA Case Competition submission from The Manoff Group describes…
How Learning and Adapting Enabled Civil Society Innovations in Cambodia
Learn how DAI used a CLA approach to bring Cambodian civil society organizations (CSOs) and the technology community together to expand market opportunities for tech service…
Grantcraft Guide to Community Philanthropy for Donors
This paper is for donors looking for ways to ensure that our interventions produce lasting results that are owned and directed by the people they are meant to benefit. It offers…
Going Beyond Technical Skills: How to Build an Adaptive Team
If change starts with people, then what should we consider when building collaborative, learning-focused teams? When development isn’t a linear process and success depends on much…
Introducing: From the Inside Out
USAID Learning Lab is back with a new podcast series called From the Inside Out: Achieving Better Development Outcomes through Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting. From the Inside…
Staying Curious, Together: How to Create a Learning Culture
In this episode, we’ll discuss the key ingredients in a learning culture. First, we define what we mean by a learning culture. Next, we look at research that examines the…
Meeting Strategically: How to Collaborate, But Not Too Much
In this episode, we look at evidence from the business sector on the negative effects of over-collaboration. Next, we reflect on the way our teams collaborate and then talk about…