This document gathers collective learning from the Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Practice Area in USAID's Bureau of Policy, Planning and Learning to produce important tips…
You’ve articulated a learning question, priority, or need - now how might you plan learning activities to build an evidence base that gets used by its intended audience? The…
Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) involves strategic collaboration, continuous learning, and adaptive management. The purpose of the maturity tool is to help USAID Missions…
The 2023 CLA Case Competition Submission webinar was hosted on April 6, 2023. It was led by USAID's Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) Team in the Bureau for Policy,…
The Discussion Note defines Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) and provides information on key considerations when utilizing it. Created using interviews with TPM practitioners and USAID…
This Discussion Note outlines key considerations for USAID staff and evaluators when deciding to conduct an ex-post evaluation and then planning for, designing, implementing, and…
Focus group interviews (also often called focus group discussions) are a key tool for collecting data to support many USAID activities. This data collection technique is widely used…