The Performance Management Plan (PMP) is a Mission-wide planning and management tool for monitoring, evaluating, and learning related to the implementation of the CDCS. A PMP is created within three months of a Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) being approved and should be reviewed and updated regularly to make sure it accurately reflects what is happening in the Mission. It is important to recognize this dynamic aspect of a PMP; it is not a static document that is ever finalized, rather it is a living resource that evolves in parallel to the Mission’s strategy, projects, and activities.
PMPs should take the illustrative information first laid out in the CDCS and revise it or expand on it to create a comprehensive list of performance and context monitoring approaches, including indicators, which will actually be used throughout the life of the strategy. Beyond just identifying approaches, detailed information should be provided defining each approach, how and when information should be collected for it, what should be collected, and who is responsible for it.
In addition to information on how the Mission will monitor results, PMPs include detailed information on the Mission’s Evaluation Plan and Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) Plan. For more information on these aspects of the PMP, please see the Evaluation Toolkit.