In order for monitoring data and information to be fully utilized, they should be shared with those who may use them. Some monitoring data must be reported to meet policy requirements, Congressionally mandated reports, or to support the tracking of Presidential Initiatives. For any data that are reported externally by the Mission, Data Quality Assessments (DQAs) must be conducted (see the Monitoring Toolkit page on data quality).
The annual Performance Plan and Report (PPR), which has its own processes and guidance, is the most typical means by which USAID Missions report to Washington.
Where implementing partners are reporting monitoring data to USAID, there may be reporting requirements stated in awards, such as the requirement for quarterly or annual reports. Partners may also be asked to report to USAID through formal management information systems. When reporting on monitoring data, partners should find a way to effectively communicate whether results are being achieved.
Data reported to USAID may be subject to USAID’s Open Data Policy detailed in ADS 579: USAID Development Data and discussed further in the Monitoring Data section of this toolkit, under the topic of Data Storage and Security.